LR/Instagram, Instagram

Yous can no longer use the LR/Instagram plugin to mail service images directly to Instagram from within Lightroom Archetype

We've blogged  previously on how to export images for posting to Instagram from Lightroom Classic. And, we've written virtually how to post straight to Instagram from your desktop computer.

Delight Annotation: Since LR/Instagram is non working, please refer to our other blog posts on posting to Instagram:

How To Consign Photos for Instagram from Lightroom Classic and Instagram Workaround: Post Direct from Your Reckoner!

One matter we accept yet to cover is the Lightroom Archetype plugin, from Capture Monkey, chosen: LR/Instagram. 12/1/2019 NOTE: The LR/Instagram plugin is no longer working until further find.

The Current Notice

This plugin allows you to post directly to Instagram from Lightroom Classic (on both Mac & PC). Thus removing the need to either trick Instagram or shuffle your photos to your mobile device.

LR/Instagram Features & Limitations

Before we go into the weeds of how to install and utilize LR/Instagram, you volition want to consider if this plugin is right for you. Only the mobile version of Instagram has access to all of Instagram's filters and features. Any other trick or method to mail directly to Instagram will take limitations.

With LR/Instagram, you lot will not be able to:

  • Use Instagram filters;
  • Re-ingather images;
  • Load multiple images to the same post;
  • Include in-photo tags; and,
  • Identify hashtag usage or frequency.

Withal, you volition be able to:

  • Log into multiple accounts simultaneously;
  • Upload multiple images (each as their own post);
  • Update metadata and captions/hashtags and re-post; and,
  • Apply a dedicated caption and hashtag entry console.

Another important note is that LR/Instagram won't admission or manage whatsoever of your previously posted photos! You will only exist able to work with the images that y'all post directly to Instagram from within Lightroom Archetype.

Post to Instagram Directly Using Lightroom Mobile

Lightroom CC Post
Lightroom cloud

Plugin support is not bachelor for desktop users of the newer, deject based version of Lightroom. Nonetheless, you lot can upload direct from your mobile device bold you take installed the iOS or Android version on your phone.

Find the photo y'all want to postal service, click the share icon and so pass the photo to Instagram. (Notation for iOS users, y'all will get better results by using the "Copy to …" option. This will open upwards Instagram so you can access additional posting features.)

Copy to Instagram
iOS Share

Install LR/Instagram

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC
Lightroom Archetype

Again, this plugin works for either PC or Mac. Head over to the LR/Instagram web site and download the current version.
Next, unzip the file and save the folder wherever you like to store your Lightroom plugins. We more often than not recommend creating a "Lightroom Plugins" folder in the Pictures binder on the hard drive of your figurer.

Side by side, unzip the file and save the binder wherever you like to store your Lightroom plugins. We by and large recommend creating a "Lightroom Plugins" binder in the Pictures folder (Mac and PC) on the hard drive of your calculator.

Plugins Folder Post directly to Instagram from Lightroom Classic

Now, open up the File > Plugin Manager menu and notice the "LRInstagram.lrplugin" in your plugins folder. This volition load the plugin into Lightroom and it will at present be bachelor for use from the Publish Services panel on the Left side of the Library module.

Using LR/Instagram

To post a photo directly to Instagram, but drag a photo from whatever Binder or Collection onto the "Instagram photos" listing in the LR/Instagram left side console.

The photos will show upwardly in a grid view depending on their various status. Before posting, I recommend using the special panel to update captions and hashtags. This panel is located under the Metadata console on the right side of the Library module (encounter beneath).

Lr/Instagram Post directly to Instagram from Lightroom Classic

Once you are ready post or sync your changes, look for the "Publish" push button in the upper correct corner of the principal viewing window.

A couple of other tips I would recommend are …

  • Employ color labels to remind yourself which photos you've posted (personally I use blue)
  • Add "instagram" to the keywords for images as another fashion to find posted photos
  • Make a divide collection of your instagram posts then that if you ever have trouble with the plugin, you can hands go along rails of whatsoever previously posted photos